Feature Requests

Add ability to generate non-trivial passwords/PINs

Jonathan Schulenberg of Cumberland Group would like for aPM to have the ability to automatically generate a random PIN that will not fail CUCM/CUC Trivial Password checks.

He feels that this would be a very useful feature for user onboarding as he wants to avoid a single/static company-wide default with auto-provisioning. Perhaps a special type of Global Variable could be created since it would need to be referenced in both the End User and Unity Connection templates. (Jonathan's initial plan was to use the last N digits of a user's cell phone number; however, that is vulnerable to two failure scenarios: 1) the user may not have a cell phone in LDAP; or, 2) the last N digits may fail the trivial password validation.)

Here is the trivial password check logic from the CUC contextual help page:

Check this check box to have Unity Connection verify that a new password or PIN meets the following criteria when the passwords or PINs are changed using Cisco Unity Connection Administration, the Unity Connection Messaging Assistant, or the Unity Connection conversation:
A non-trivial phone PIN has the following attributes:
The PIN cannot match the numeric representation of the first or last name of the user.
The PIN cannot contain the primary extension or alternate extensions of the user.
The PIN cannot contain the reverse of the primary extension or alternate extensions of the user.
The PIN cannot contain groups of repeated digits, such as “408408” or “123123.”
The PIN cannot contain only two different digits, such as “121212.”
A digit cannot be used more than two times consecutively (for example, “28883”).
The PIN cannot be an ascending or descending group of digits (for example, “012345” or “987654”).
The PIN cannot contain a group of digits that are dialed in a diagonal, vertical or horizontal straight line on the phone keypad (for example, the user cannot use "159", "159730", "147", "147365", "123" or "123597" as a PIN.


Cumberland Group


Jonathan Schulenberg





  • Will Powers
  • Aug 11 2021
  • Attach files