Feature Requests

API Enhancements

Client IRS is requesting some enhancements to our API:

  1. dnpool/{id} – Currently, the results of this API do not include the numbers in the DN Pool’s Exceptions List

  2. getsitetemplatebyservicegroup/{id} – Currently, this API does not return a container like the other API but instead returns numbered single entries without count properties. The desired result would be for it to output a container like all of the other APIs instead of a container for each entry.

  3. servicegroup/{id} - In addition to returning the jobs belonging to it, we would like for this to also return the security groups that each job has.

  4. Would like the API expanded to include such things as:

    1. GET for Users

    2. GET for Security Groups

    3. GET for Servers

    4. GET for Sync Statuses – This would be really helpful for us to build a dashboard/morning report of the status of the syncs every night.

  • Will Powers
  • May 30 2024
  • Attach files
  • Will Powers commented
    30 May 14:18

    Client Country Financial is also requesting enhancements to our API:

    API Improvements would be very helpful. Right now, we have to do all of this manually. It could be done in our runbooks if the API was more robust. I believe these improvements would be a great start and get us productive with the product.

    1. Add REQUEST type to Create new DN pool

    2. Add REQUEST type to DELETE DN Pool

    3. Add REQUEST type to ADD as few as 1 and as high as 1000 new numbers to any pool

    4. Add a REQUEST type to update a comment on a phone number

    5. Add a REQUEST type to search any number from any pool and return all hits. Should be able to specify which pool and if you want all numbers, only numbers with reservations, or only numbers without reservations.