Feature Requests

Web Console - Ability for Admins to Unlock user accounts

Currently the web console locks out users after three unsuccessful login attempts and unlocks the account after 30 minutes. The user would like for there to be an option to unlock the account from the server admin to avoid restarting the server via ssh.

  • Joanna Niles
  • Feb 8 2021
  • Attach files
  • Tony Palermo commented
    June 02, 2021 20:28

    Yes, this function should be a priority for admins to unlock operator accounts.

    Thank you

  • Becky Bobrink commented
    June 02, 2021 20:00

    30 minutes is extreme...especially since the Admin can't override the lock out...

    Receptionist can't just sit and wait 30 minutes to answer the phone for their business.

  • Christian Lopez commented
    April 27, 2021 15:05

    Mark Doss from Central Garden & Pet Company is requesting this feature be added as well. Ref: https://akkadianlabssupport.zendesk.com/agent/tickets/52754